Self-Care Sunday - Relaxation


The third week of my Self-Care Series addresses a super important, very necessary part of law school: relaxation 💆‍♀️

I read a study recently which found “96% of law students experience significant stress,” compared to “70% of med students and 43% of grad students.” It also said most law students “start law school with high life satisfaction and strong mental health measures,” but “experience a significant increase in anxiety and depression” within the first year of law school. Overall, law students are “among the most dissatisfied, demoralized, and depressed of any graduate student population.” The Path to Lawyer Well-Being, ABA 2017.

To be honest, this wasn’t surprising (minus the part where only 70% of med students experience ‘significant stress.’ That seems…questionable). Law school has an impressive ability to foster imposter syndrome, intense self-doubt, occasional self-loathing, INCREDIBLE stress, anxiety, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, etc. I myself can care about grades and jobs 98% less than my peers, and I’ve still experienced all of the above + physical effects like hair loss, weight loss, bad skin, not sleeping, etc. like never before.

So I’m serious when I say learning how to relax and de-stress as a law student is more of a necessity than a simple luxury! This post is about the six things that have helped me to de-stress and just CHILL in the past three years.


Many might not see exercise as a form of relaxation because physically, it’s not. But mentally, it’s my go-to. A bit of sweat + a killer playlist never fails to lift my mood! I feel like I’ve accomplished something concrete, even if everything else that day feels unproductive.

Hot yoga has been my law school jam, but I’ve also taken up a bit of stair-stepping and running in the campus gym. When my schedule is super packed, I try to at least stretch out a little bit throughout the day - sitting and looking down (at a computer, casebook, whatever) can be legitimately painful!


This might be just as counterintuitive as exercise - after all, we read MORE than enough in law school. But by “good book” I mean a totally non-law-related, just-for-fun, probably fiction, book.

There's just nothing like an excellent, suspenseful, can’t-put-it-down book. Reading one of those is incredibly relaxing because it draws my attention completely in a way that television shows, movies, etc. just don’t. Maybe if I put my phone/computer down while watching said shows, it’d be a different story…

I just talked to another law student about this and recommended these five EXCELLENT reads (of alllll different genres - something for everyone!):

  1. Educated (non-fiction, about growing up off the grid, INCREDIBLY well-written)

  2. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo (fiction, and spoiler: it’s not about the husbands)

  3. Project Hail Mary (sci-fi fiction but not boring - same author who wrote The Martian of Matt Damon fame)

  4. The Road (post-apocalypse fiction, makes law school seem not-so-bad!)

  5. The Undomestic Goddess (HILARIOUS non-fiction about a British lawyer)


I went to the nail salon today, actually! A nice basic pedicure + 30 minutes in the massage chair have become a law school staple, especially since my feet are TORN up from the activities listed above. I do sometimes bring work with me, but it’s just a different (read: better) experience because I’m out of the house and in a relaxed mindset.


AKA, what I live for during the hardest of hard law school days! It’s a fine line though: travel too little and life gets incredibly stressful/monotonous, travel too much and THAT becomes a stressor. Especially with a law school schedule, which rarely (never?) allows for fully free weekends.

The east coast has been a fantastic place for “staycations” - it’s easy to drive an hour or two, explore a new place, and drive home. But in pursuit of my Travel-To-All-50-States goal, I’m currently planning to spring break in Oregon and Washington (#48 and 49) and I can’t wait. Despite taking minimal credits, my clinic is stressful as ever - I verrrry much look forward to a nice break mid-semester.

(That said, hit me up with recommendations!!)


I’m a FIRM believer in retail therapy without spending a ton of money. By that, I mean wasting my time scrolling through “would love to own but won’t buy” items on the internet. Seriously. It’s weirdly relaxing and I refuse to give it up.

Same thing goes for strolling casually through TJ Maxx or Nordstrom Rack…I mean, that’s also exercise so. Two birds, one big mass of endorphins.

I’ve also done the opposite and sold my own stuff on re-sale sites! There are some really great, easy-to-use apps out there and I LOVE a good de-cluttering (see my last past about clean spaces!). Of course, making a little money allows me to actually purchase some “add to cart” dreams, but…it’s better than keeping everything, right?!


I can’t emphasize this one enough: it is important to socialize outside of the classroom!!!!! Honestly, I started law school thinking I might not make close friends here. I knew I’d live off-campus and with my husband for basically the first time ever, and I just wasn’t convinced I’d connect with people outside the military. That was completely wrong (thank goodness) - I now look forward to hanging out/commiserating with law school friends more than anything.

Same goes with family and friends from previous places! I have zero regrets about the study time ‘lost’ to video calls, weekend trips, group texts, etc. because they kept me grounded, sane, and happy. I hardly ever feel as relaxed as I do after a FaceTime full of laughs and love.

On that note, I have a little more SB planning to do! And real work, as tomorrow is a holiday for everyone except Harvard Law students. Stay tuned for the fourth and final installment of the Self-Care Sunday series (and maybe my favorite one) - THE OUTFITS!


Self-Care Sunday - The ‘Fits


Self-Care Sunday - The Essentials